To download these covers, right click on the image and select 'Save Picture As.' and follow the on-screen directions.If you have questions concerning the Cook'n Cloud, please visit our Cook'n Cloud FAQ. MasterCook 6.0, and higher versions, provide for using 'Cookbook Covers' in the 'Cookbook' Menu, in lieu of a simple name listing. Install the tool and enter the CB2CB options and set the 'Directory. Home Hobby software downloads - MasterCook Deluxe by ValuSoft, a.If you are converting Mastercook MC2/MCX files then you either need to convert the photos in Mastercook to jpg format (Using Mastercook: Tools->Compress Pictures in this Cookbook) or you have to download the free Lead Command Line Utils (LEADCommandLineutils.exe from here).
My Cook'n program won't update. How do I export recipes from Big Oven, Living Cookbook, or MasterCook and import them into Cook'n? How do I get Cook'n if I purchased from Groupon? How do I import a cookbook or recipe file?
Can I get a discount on the newest version of Cook'n if I have an older version? Will my old recipes and cookbooks transfer to the new version of the program if I upgrade? I'm getting a "Free Marker Template Error" or "Local Host:5918 Error." What can I do? Why doesn't the Capture feature work for all websites?
How do I download recipes from DVO.com? I want to import newsletter recipes into Cook'n. Cook'n fails to launch, and I get a message which says that the Cook'n data files are being used by another program. How do I transfer recipes from one computer to another? If I download the upgrade version of Cook'n 10, do I need to keep my old version installed in order to install Cook'n 10?
I have some old Cook'n cookbooks on CD. How do I import photos into my recipes? Can I change to Metric units with Cook'n?
If you need additional help, click here to contact Cook'n SupportTo download and install a cookbook into Cook'n 10, do the following: If you already closed this window, that's OK because an e-mail message with these links is automatically sent. What are my benefits, and how do I access the forum?How do I import a cookbook or recipe file?The product name on the Thank You page of our shopping is linked. I registered for the Cook'n Club.
Mastercook Cookbooks To How To Do This
Dvo cookbook file from you desktop.You can also watch a video on how to do this.How do I get Cook'n if I purchased from Groupon? In Cook'n, click File>Import>Cook'n Recipe File Choose to save the file on your desktop. Right-click the appropriate download button and choose "Save Link As." or "Save Target As." or "Download Linked File As." depending on your Internet browser. Choose the Documents\Cook'n10\Download folder and click Save.If this does not work, you can do the following. Right-click the appropriate download button and choose "Save Link As." or "Save Target As." or "Download Linked File As." depending on your Internet browser.
Under "Text Options," select MC 5+ Format (*.MX2) Select the "Folder" tab instead of the Mail tab. (To select all press CTRL+A) Select the recipes you wish to export. And, if you haven't already done so, please install the necessary Plugins. Verify that only the correct purchase is in the shopping cart with the groupon code covering the cost.If you still need help, please click here to contact Cook'n Support.How do I export recipes from Big Oven, Living Cookbook, or MasterCook and import them into Cook'n?Before you begin, please make sure you have Cook'n Version 10.0.30 or higher.
Run Cook'n and click File->Import->Living Cookbook Click "Next," choose what information you want included. Name and Choose a location for the Export file Select the cookbooks, chapters or recipes you wish to export Choose the file that you created in step #7
What do I do?When you launch Cook'n Version 10, Cook'n checks to see if a new version is available. Run Cook'n and click File->Import->BigOvenMy Cook'n program won't update. A Pop-up window will tell you what folder to find your files in. Close any internet browser window that pops up Click"Yes" or "No" to include nutritional data.
However, some recipes are not captureable because they were published without any formatting whatsoever. The Capture feature in Cook'n works well for over 100 of the most popular recipe websites and, according to our log files, we have over a 95% capture success rate. No two websites are the same! As a result, Cook'n must be customized for each site. Progress updates on the Cook'n Cloud development are posted at Why doesn't the Capture feature work for all websites?The recipe formatting differs from one site to the next. This can take anywhere from 10 to 90 minutes depending on the speed of your Internet connection.If you are stuck on 10.0.44 and you cannot update, visit this page and follow the instructions.If you are still unable to update, click here to contact Cook'n Support.How do I get my recipes on my iPhone, iPad, and/or Android?Coming soon! The mobile apps are ready to release but the release of the Cook'n Cloud which is required to synchronize recipes between desktop and mobile apps has been slightly delayed. When you see this, just click that icon.
Before you spend a lot of time messing around with the settings, you can test this by restarting your computer in Safe Mode and running Cook'n. In some cases, this embedded browser is blocked by Firewalls and Virus Protection software. We have a team that is working to add compatibility for more and more websites and as progress is made, updates will be posted and the capture feature will get better and better.I'm getting a "Free Marker Template Error" or "Local Host:5918 Error." What can I do?Cook'n's advanced User Interface uses an embedded browser to render sexy recipe views. This is a continuous effort.
However, in some cases, access to this server is blocked. They will be able to verify your order and send you a link to download the full Cook'n Recipe Organizer.To keep things simple, Cook'n's default settings are designed to use the DVO mail server to send e-mail messages. What should I do?Send an email to and include the order number you received in the email receipt that was sent to you after purchase. Click here to get a special upgrade price.I purchased the program, but a message tells me I have the Cook'n Recipe Browser and I need to upgrade. If this is the case, please check your Firewall and Virus Protection software settings and add Cook'n to the exceptions list.Can I get a discount on the newest version of Cook'n if I have an older version?Yes.
We would do this for you if we could but we cannot because we don't know this information or have access to it. You may need to contact your E-Mail Service Provider to get this information. Enter your Username, Password, etc.
Transfer the backup file from your old computer to your new computer via a network or e-mail, or by using a jump drive or CD/DVD. This will create a backup file. However, until then, to transfer your recipes from one computer to another, simply run Cook'n on your old computer and click File->Backup. When you install Cook'n 10, it will search your computer system for an older version of Cook'n and upgrade your recipe data automatically.If I download the upgrade version of Cook'n 10, do I need to keep my old version installed in order to install Cook'n 10?Only if you want Cook'n to upgrade your recipe data.How do I transfer recipes from one computer to another?When the Cook'n Cloud service is complete, you will be able to create an account and log into that account from any computer to see and edit all of your recipes from anywhere. DomainWill my old recipes and cookbooks transfer to the new version of the program if I upgrade?Yes.